“Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”-Albert Einstein

Through their imagination, the children have certainly visited some wonderful places during lunchtime this week. We have had dinosaurs roaming amongst us, babies crawling off in different directions, shop keepers busy selling their wares and trains taking us to different parts of the country! Not to mention, children having an instant growth spurt as they donned stilts to become giants and superhero’s swooping in to save the day.

Throwing and catching has been the focus in Mr Nays lunchtime sessions, with the older children taking part in dodgeball. The children’s skills really shone out as they dodged, ducked and caught out the opposing team.

Meanwhile in the dining hall, I have had the opportunity to pop my head through the door and at a distance, to see how the children are doing. I have to say, the calmness quality conversations taking place were akin to being in a top class restaurant Thank you children so much for your continued enthusiasm and eagerness to make lunchtime dining an enjoyable time of the day.

Foundation Stage.

Role Model of the Week: Bea, Reception

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Albert, Reception

Keystage 1

Table of the Week; Year 1

Role Model of the Week: Esther Year 2

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Sean Year1

Lower Keystage 2

Table of the Week: Year 4

Role Model of the Week: Stanley Year 3

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Esme Year 4

Upper Keystage 2

Table of the Week: Year 6

Role Model of the Week: Bella Year 5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Leila Year6

Well done and thank you children for your kindness, politeness and friendship to those around you.

We hope you all have a lovely, restful weekend.

God Bess

The Lunchtime Team