The Year One Learning Journey has Begun

What a wonderful week we have had in Year One. The children all came into school on Tuesday, full of smiles and overjoyed to be reunited with their school friends. They have settled into their new classroom with ease and we have already shared so many joyful moments together. Thank you so much for dropping and picking up the children safely and speedily. It is very much appreciated! On Thursday we welcomed Elsa to our class and the children showed how thoughtful and full of love they are. Elsa has already brought so much joy to our class and we are all so grateful to have her learning with us.

We have had a very busy first week back…

In RHE we have thought about self-efficacy and shared the story of the Hare and the Tortoise together. The children reflected on what it means to believe in yourself and we all learned a valuable lesson about ‘believing you can learn’, from Bobby Bee. As a class we created a ‘WE CAN’ display, where the children drew a picture of what they can do. It was so heart warming to hear them proudly share their unique talents and achievements. We then thought about what we can’t do yet and the children again, proudly shared what they know they can’t do yet, but are more than capable of achieving.

We have also shared the story of The Colour Monster and thought deeply about our feelings. This is a text I will be using throughout the year to identify and discuss feelings with the children. The children have made a feelings wheel which I have challenged them to show you at home. Maybe this is something you can use together?

In Maths we have been sorting objects within 10 and have been thinking of different ways we can group things. We even got some children up at the front of the class and found loads of ways the children could be grouped e.g. hair colour, age, hair type, clothes, gender etc.

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves. This weeks stars have been: Grace, John Paul, Toby and Louis.

Well done Superstars!


I have completed all of the children’s reading assessments this week and I am so excited to start Read Write Inc. lessons with them next week. I have had a big chat to the children about being responsible for their own reading packets, which they must take to and from school with them everyday. They understand that it is their job to make sure it is in their bag at the end of the day and is put back in their school bag after they have read at home. Thank you for your support with this.


Co-operative Roger Robin - For being such a considerate learner. Rose, this week you have shown what a role model you are to your class friends. Your beautiful listening and celebration of others achievements, encourages other children to use kind words and actions too. Well done, Rose. You are a wonderful friend to everyone in Year 1.

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being such an enthusiastic learner. Rory, you could not have had a better start to Year 1. You have completed all of your learning with a huge smile and an eagerness to learn more. I am so excited for the learning  adventures we will have together this year. Well done superstar!


  • Please ensure children bring a labelled water bottle every day and that all clothes are labelled.

  • Please return any pick-up sheets.

  • If you haven’t done so please email me on to confirm whether or not you give consent for your child’s photo to be on the website. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter