Nothing can change God’s love for you.

This week has been jam-packed with Supertato writing. A huge thank you for supporting the children with the story maps, they all knew every word and it has made such a difference to their confidence when writing it down!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have been learning about wholes and parts. We explored what makes a ‘whole’ and decided that a whole is when you have all of it. We then decided that a part is when we don’t have all of it.

In English the children have written the Supertato story. They have begun to innovate the story with their own hero and villain. They have been so imaginative with their choices; I cannot wait to read their finished stories next week. I hope you enjoy the children retelling the original story of Supertato, in the video below.

In RE we ordered the story of Noah and the Flood. The children did this with such confidence and were able to use religious vocabulary, such as covenant.

In Science, the children have been labelling and comparing the structure of different animals. The children have loved learning all about the different animals and next week we will be thinking about what they eat!

In RHE the children have been learning about how they are made and loved by God. We watched a film about a little boy called Kester, who was searching for his maker. The children then reflected on who their maker is and why God made them.

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Reflective Lizzie Ladybird - For being such a reflective learner. Grace, you have really challenged yourself this week. You have tried so hard with your writing and your reading. From the start of term, your writing had improved so much – you should be super proud of yourself! Well done Grace!

Focused Cooper Crab - For being a focused learner and listener. Toby, your work this week has been amazing and it’s all down to your super focus. You have become a whizz at managing your distractions and pushing yourself to get your learning finished! Well done Toby!

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves (I had to cheat this week)! This weeks stars have been: Naomi, Lorenzo, Tommy, Elsa, Charlotte and Hudson.


  • As the weather get’s wetter and colder, please ensure children are bringing appropriate clothing with them everyday. Please label gloves, hats etc.

  • If your child has a cold, please can they bring in a pack of their own tissues.

Have a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter