‘A fallen leaf, is a Summer’s wave goodbye.’

Welcome back Year 1! The children have returned to school bursting with enthusiasm to grow their brains. We began the week by talking about Autumn and exploring how the world is changing around us and how beautiful it is! This week we have welcomed a new staff member, Miss Liddell. Miss Liddell will be teaching Read Write Inc. from next week and will be supporting the children in the classroom too. We are so happy you have joined our year 1 family. This half-term, we are growing to be eloquent and truthful. Children are growing to articulate their beliefs clearly and be truthful to themselves and others.

Next week, the children will be in their new Read Write Inc. groups. The children have made amazing progress with their reading and should be super proud of themselves. I anticipate that next week will be a bit of a shock to the system for some of the children; the books they will be reading in class and bringing home, will be challenging - in the best way! Please keep reading, reading, reading at home. If your child has a set of flashcards, they must practise their speed sounds at home too. I really appreciate your support with this!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have been using part-whole models to show how we can partition numbers. Please challenge the children to explain this problem to you, over the weekend. If they are struggling, click on the image and it will take you to the White Rose Website. It would be wonderful if you could watch the lesson ‘Addition Symbol’, with them.


In English, the children learned an Autumn Poem and performed it in small groups. Following this we have begun our new focus story, called Dangerous. So far the children have come across a Mole who loves labelling nouns. I cannot wait to continue this topic with the children next week.

In RE the children have learned about the annunciation and how Angel Gabriel visited Mary. The children pretended to be Mary/Angel Gabriel and reflected on how faith-filled Mary was.

In RHE the children have been thinking about how they are unique and precious in God’s eyes. We discussed how we are all different in many ways; we look different, we have different hobbies, we have different talents etc. Although we are all unique, we are all part of God’s family and he made us unique for a reason.

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Brave Tommy Turtle - For ‘having a go’, no matter what the activity or lesson. Jacob, I have been so impressed with your eagerness to take a risk in your learning and share your ideas. You know that I doesn’t matter if you make a mistake; we all learn from it together. Well done for having such a positive attitude to learning, Jacob. You have grown your brain so much this week!

Focused Cooper Crab - For being a focused learner. Beth, you have become a whizz at managing your distractions and pushing yourself to get your learning finished! I love how you are putting your hand up more in class too! Well done Beth!

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Joseph, Toby, Finley, William and Grace.


  • If your child is unwell, please notify the school by following the link on the discover page. Discover page -> Attendance -> Reporting an Illness. Click the button below to see where it is, for future reference.

  • If you are yet to do so, please complete the Home School Agreement. This was sent to you with your child’s mid-term report. Alternatively, click the button below.

  • Please check your children’s PE kits; some children’s clothes (which are labelled) have gone missing.

Have a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell