‘We rise by lifting others.’

This week has flown by and I can hardly believe we’re nearly in December! One of my highlights this week has been watching the children play at break times. It has been wonderful to see the children all playing kindly and co-operatively together.

Starting this week, children who achieve 100% on their Accelerated Reader quizzes (2 weeks in a row), will get to bring home a special book from the library. I hope you enjoy reading the book they have chosen together. Please could it be returned by Tuesday, so that it can go into quarantine, ready for another child to take it home the following weekend. Well done to this weeks Star Readers!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths, the children have been introduced to the subtraction symbol. They thought deeply about the equals sign and what it really means. A question we all thought deeply about as a class was ? = 3 - 2. The children have discovered that we can write subtraction sentences as: whole - part = part (3 - 2 = 1) or part = whole - part (1 = 3 - 2). They were all so chuffed when they realised it was a lot simpler than it appeared. Please do practise this further at home; using objects to represent numbers is a great way to consolidate this learning.

In English, the children have been writing the story of Dangerous. I cannot thank you enough for helping them with the story maps; the extra practise that has gone on at home is clear to see! Next week, the children will be writing their own version of the story, this time with a new animal (not the Lumpy Bumpy Thing). The children will use adjectives to describe the animal and I am already so excited to see what the 30 Kiki Chameleons in Year 1 come up with.

In RHE the children have continued learning about Super Susie. The children have taught Susie all about keeping her body healthy and clean. They explored the importance of daily hygiene routines and getting a good nights sleep.

In Geography the children have learned about human and physical geographical features. Please ask them to teach you about this over the weekend - they were so interested in it!



Focused Cooper Crab - For being a focused learner. Daisy, I have been so impressed with your determination to not get distracted, this week. You have managed to get all of your learning done and have got all of your brilliant ideas down on paper. I am looking forward to teaching this Cooper Crab Daisy, for the rest of the year! Let’s keep it up – I know you can do it!

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being a considerate learner. Joseph, you have tried so hard this week to use kind words. It has filled my heart with joy to hear you praising your class friends and giving them words of encouragement. It’s also been so lovely to see you playing with different friends and making sure that everyone is happy. Well done Joseph!

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Daisy, Rose, Hugo, Seth and Hudson .


  • Dates for the diary:

    • Christmas Jumper Day - The year 1 children have been thinking of ways to raise money for Brian House. As a school we have decided to raise money for our chosen charities only this term; they are in great need of extra support, now more than ever. Year 1 have come up with the following ideas to raise money. Friday 11th December will be Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day. The children will have a fun filled day of Christmas activities including an exciting treasure hunt! We ask that on this day your child brings in a £1 coin, to support Brian House.

    • Christmas Danceathon - The whole school will be doing a Christmas Danceathon (in classes), on Tuesday 15th December. We will be raising money for Brian House again on this day. It would be greatly appreciated if children could bring a £1 coin to dance for Brian House.

    • Christmas Party Day - Thursday 17th December - This year we will be enjoying those Christmas party games in our classrooms. On this day, children can come to school in their best party clothes, but please do remember sensible footwear and warm layers as we will still be going out for playtimes. A small snack of a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps with a drink (no fizzy please) can also be brought into school to be enjoyed after the party. We will also be enjoying a Christmas dinner for lunch.

  • A special favor…

    We will be writing our special Christmas messages next Wednesday. Thank you to those who have already helped me with this. If your child is yet to bring in a envelope, addressed to themselves and with a stamp on, please could they do so by Tuesday. Thank you for your support with this; I’d really love it if every child could get a special festive message, through their letterbox.

Have a joyful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell