“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.”

Doesn’t time fly when you’re busy growing your brain! This week has flown by and I can hardly believe we will be in February next week. Seeing all of the children’s happy faces on Tuesday was amazing. I loved every minute of it and I can’t wait to have another year 1 catch up next Tuesday, at 9.15. I was so impressed with how they muted and un-muted their microphones and how they listened to their class friends. You are all such co-operaative Roger Robins! This coming Tuesday we are going to play a quick game of bingo and then play musical statues. For bingo, please could your child have a 2x5 grid, filled with random numbers (0-20). Can they also have a pen/counter to place on the numbers. For the game of musical statues, please can your child have space around them to show off their best dance moves!

The children have all been working their socks off this week and have produced some wonderful work. The maths this week has been challenging, but we all know that to grow our brain, we need to make it think! Children, I have been so impressed with all the work on purple mash; I can tell that you are all growing in confidence using the worksheets and handing them in. If you choose to complete the work on a paper worksheet, that is absolutely fine. It would be wonderful if you could drop me a quick message to let me know how you have got on. You could even record yourself speaking. Listening to your voice messages, really brightens up my day!

Thank you to all of you who have been sending your children’s photos to Mrs Kaur. As always, please continue to email learning and questions, to myself and any general photos to Mrs Kaur. Children, I hope you enjoy looking at your class friends below. Look at all those happy faces!


Reading Stars

A big hip-hip-hooray to Gus, Charlotte, Hugo and Logan, who have met their reading targets on Accelerated Reader this week! If you are yet to meet your reading target, what are you waiting for? You can make it happen!

Star of the Day

Each day I pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Finley, Teddy, Seth, Joseph and Elsa.


Remote Learner - Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for your remote learning. John Paul, every week you go over and above with your learning and it makes me so proud! Your weather report was so creative and informative. It is so wonderful to see you completing your learning with a big smile on your face! Hip hip hooray!

John Paul don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!

School Learner - Resilient Sadie Spider: For being a determined learner. William, I see you smile when you spot a mistake that you’ve made and it makes me so proud. You understand that making mistakes and learning from them, helps your brain to grow. I have been so impressed with your reading this week and the creative sentences you have written. If you keep up this ‘try try try’ mindset, you will be able to read any book you want, in no time!


  • I have emailed you all an urgent message from Miss Hornby. Please check your emails and respond by 8pm this evening. Thank you!

  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

God bless and take care,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell