Happy Half-Term Year One

I can hardly believe I am writing my final blog of this half term. The past six weeks have certainly been different and have challenged us all in different ways. I could not be prouder of the children; they have all thrown themselves into their learning and so much learning has happened. Children, you have been readers, writers, mathematicians, deep thinkers, scientists, meteorologists and friends. You have all proven what determined Sadie Spider’s you are and haven’t let the big change in circumstances stop you from growing your brains.

Parents, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done this half term. I know it has not been easy and I understand that working yourselves and supporting a little one, takes a lot of deep breathing and patience. I want you to know how grateful I am to you all. The learning you have done with the children has been nothing short of amazing. From what I have seen, I am confident that when all of the children return to school, they will continue to fly with their learning and achieve great things. Again, please know that the year 1 team will go over and above to support your children and any gaps in their learning will be addressed.

I hope you enjoy this week’s learning in photos!


Lent is a time to pray...who might need your prayers at this time?

Lent is a time to fast...what can you give up?

Lent is a time to give...who can you give your love and time to?

This year, Ash Wednesday falls during our half term break. We will be learning all about the Easter story and the significance of Lent in our RE lessons. However, it would be wonderful if these conversations could begin at home over half term. Opposite is a gorgeous Lenten calendar. I would love the children to use this calendar or create their own, to countdown the 40 days before Easter. It is a time when we follow the example of Our Lord Jesus and follow his great commandment “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind…You must love your neighbour as yourself.” Clicking on the image will bring up a pdf version.

Your Half Term Challenge

In the first lockdown, lots of us decorated our houses with rainbows. As we think about the coming Spring during Lent, you could make a rainbow coloured prayer paper chain. Each day, think of someone who needs your prayers and write their name on a strip of paper. Stick the strip into a loop with glue or a bit of sellotape, then keep adding a loop each day as you pray for someone as part of your Lenten promise. By Easter time, you will have a long chain to decorate your house or bedroom and remember all those people who you’ve held in prayer through Lent.




Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for your remote learning. Josh I have been so impressed with your purple mash learning and the effort you have been putting into all of your work. It has been so lovely seeing your big smile on Zoom and  your eagerness to share your smile with your friends. I can’t wait to see more of this enthusiasm next half-term! Well done Josh!

Resilient Sadie Spider: For being a determined writer. Tommy, you have been a superstar writer this week and have pushed yourself to write an amazing monster story, from beginning to end! Your story is bursting with creativity, but I’m even more impressed with how resilient you were! I am so excited to see more of your amazing writing next half-term. Hip-hip-hooray Tommy !

Boys’ don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!

Reading Stars

A big hip-hip-hooray to Toby, Logan, Gus, Jacob, John-Paul, Rory, Sean and Grace who have met their reading targets on Accelerated Reader this week!


  • Remote learning will begin again on Monday 22nd February.

  • We will have a whole class zoom on Tuesday 23rd February and I will send the invites out on the first day back.

God bless and have a wonderful half term,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell