We hope your Easter is filled with love, peace and joy.

We have certainly made the most of the sunshine this week! The children have been spending lots of time outside and found that Peter Rabbit had left some scrumptious treats for them today. I am so proud of how the children have returned to school. The Spring Term certainly feels like a blur, but there’s no doubt the children have loved being back together!

Today we said a bitter sweet goodbye to Mrs Kaur. Mrs Kaur has been an invaluable member of the Year 1 team and will be deeply missed by the children and staff alike. During what has been a challenging school year, Mrs Kaur has gone over and above to support your children, academically and emotionally. She has been a listening ear, a comforting smile and an encouraging “you can do it”. On behalf of all of Year 1, thank you Mrs Kaur, for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow! We will miss you!

What have we been learning this week?

This week has been Keeping Safe Week in Year 1. We have had lots of deep and important discussions in class and I hope the children have been telling you all about their learning. As this learning is so important I wanted to share the key messages we have spoken about in class, so that you can discuss this further at home.

  • Good secrets are temporary and not forever. They make you feel excited and happy inside. An example of a good secret may be your parents asking you to keep granny’s surprise party a secret. A bad secret is intended for forever and can make you feel worried, sad or scared. An example of a bad secret would be someone hurting you and telling you not to tell anyone. A grown up should never ask you to keep a ‘forever secret’. We have spoken about how we can always share a ‘secret’ with a trusted grown up.

  • Physical contact includes good and bad touch. We learned the Pantosaurus song and talked about the PANTS rules.

  • The emergency services are always ready to help, but they are for emergencies only. The children have learned when it is and isn’t appropriate to dial 999.



Focused Cooper Crab: For pushing yourself in your learning! Jacob, you have gone into ‘rocket mode’ this week and your learning has been wonderful. I am so proud of how focused you have been and how much you have grown your brain. Hip –hip-hooray Jacob! I know you can keep it up!

Brave Tommy Turtle: For ‘having a go’, no matter what the activity or lesson. Tilly S, your hand has been up none stop this week. You have been so eager to share your ideas on keeping safe and have grown all of our brains with your wisdom. You have also listened beautifully to your friends ideas and have been a true role model too! Well done Tilly!

Our Hope for the Future

I have no doubt this will put a big smile on your face and will fill you with hope for the future.


  • The Summer Term will begin on Monday 12th April. Let’s hope this gorgeous weather continues…to make the most of it, please ensure the children arrive at school with sun cream applied and with their sun hats at the ready.

Wishing you all a lovely Easter,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team