‘If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.’

We have had a very special week in Year 1 and have now released five beautiful butterflies into God’s world. The children have loved watching their life cycle so far and waved them off as they began their next adventure. One of the butterflies didn’t want to say goodbye to the children just yet and decided to keep me company at school for a little longer. Some of the children were a little worried about Sally (the butterfly), I’d appreciate it if you could let them know that I have just waved her off into the sunshine. Sally can be seen below - isn’t she beautiful!


It was so lovely to talk to you all this week at the Parent Teacher Sessions - it really did make my week! Thank you again for all the wonderful work you do with the children at home - I am so grateful for your continued support. I have updated the How To Help Your Child page, with helpful Maths strategies to support learning at home. Even if I did not suggest further practise, I have no doubt that all of the determined learners in Year 1, will enjoying having a go at some of these challenges. You can find the link below and also from the main Year 1 Blog page.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about equal groups and have been adding equal groups of 2, 5 and 10. It’s been great to see the children applying their learning of counting in these multiples. The children then learned about arrays and used the language of rows and columns to describe them. Can your child describe the number of rows and columns in the arrays below?


In English, the children have finished the shared write of The Caveman Next Door and are now writing their innovated story. The children are so creative and I cannot wait to read, The Astronaut Next Door, The Inventor Next Door, as well as many others.

In Year 1, one of our favourite ways to worship God is to sing. In RHE, we have been singing our hearts out and have begun learning a new song called ‘My Hands are Yours’. I really look forward to sharing this lovely song with you next week and I have no doubt you will love it.



Focused Cooper Crab: For being a focused writer. Louis, you have proved what a focused learner you can be this week; your writing in English has been fantastic! You are getting better and better at managing your distractions and have listened beautifully during lessons too. I am so proud of you Louis – I know you can keep it up! Well done Superstar!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For being an enthusiastic learner all day long! Beth, this week you have been a role model to all of your class friends, with your wonderful listening and turn-taking. You have entered the classroom each day with a huge smile, ready to grow your brain and enjoy your learning. Beth, thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to bee!


  • Details of this weeks home learning, can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page.

  • A quick note about watches. I have noticed an increasing number of children wearing watches to school (which is lovely), however many of them are yet to learn how to tell the time. Most of the children are taking the watches off frequently throughout the day and are becoming distracted from their learning. Please can you consider whether your child needs to wear a watch to school or whether this could be a special treat for after school and weekends. Thank you for your understanding.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team