Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas

To all of my wonderful Year 1 families, I just want to say thank you. I am beyond grateful for all of the extra learning you do with the children at home; I know how much the children love sharing their learning with you. They have made wonderful progress since September and every step has been magical. I could not be prouder of them!

How have we grown our brains this week?

This week has been filled with History learning. The children have blown me away with their knowledge of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation and their chronological understanding of her reign. Please do look at the photos above! They have loved this history topic and I am already so excited to teach them about the Apollo II Moon landing, next year!

The children have been learning some Christmas poetry, I hope you enjoy the poem they have learned, it is called ‘Merry Christmas’.


Star of the Day

Each day I pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Tilly N, Seth, Lily, Hugo and Logan.


Co-operative Roger Robin - For being a thoughtful friend. Louis, everyday I hear you using kind words and using kind actions. You love to help your friends and teachers and will jump at any opportunity to offer a helping hand. Louis, thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow. Merry Christmas super star!

Co-operative Roger Robin - For being a supportive and smiley friend. Ciaran, you always put your classmates before yourself and are always there to turn a class friends’ frown, upside down. Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine in our classroom Ciaran. Have a very merry Christmas!


  • Mrs Curtis has kindly asked if children could bring in a ‘big old t-shirt’ to keep their uniforms clean, during Art lessons. Please could children have these labelled and in a plastic bag. They will be required from the first week back.

  • PE days after the holidays are slightly different. Indoor PE will take place on Thursday and outdoor PE will take place on Friday. As always, children can come to school wearing their school tracksuits on these days.

  • There will be no home learning set over the Christmas Holidays. I hope you enjoy some beautiful family time and all I ask, is that you enjoy some books together.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers over the Christmas holidays and I cannot wait to continue the Year 1 learning adventure, next year.

God bless and take care,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell