And so the Year 2 journey begins ...

What an AMAZING start we have had to the school year here in Year 2! It was truly wonderful to see all of the children’s smiling faces on Tuesday morning. They were all so excited to be reunited with their school friends again and couldn’t wait to discover what was in store for them in the year ahead. They have been so curious about their new routines and settled straight into their new classroom environment … it’s just like they’ve always been here!

Although we have only been back at school for four days, we have manged to pack in so much learning and catching up … the children most definitely deserve a rest this weekend!

One of our main focuses in class this week has been RHE (Relationships & Health Education). We wanted to ensure that the children felt as safe and as comfortable as they possibly could when coming back to school. Therefore, we have spent lots of time reflecting over our time at home, discussing any worries and looking forward to the challenges of the year ahead. We paid particular attention to self-belief and hope, and how these can be promoted within ourselves. The children shared a splendour of wonderful talents that they have already, and what they hope to achieve in the future. The discussions and conversations have been so thought provoking and made us all think about just how special our school community is and how we have missed it. At the end of each school day, we have also taken a couple of minutes to speak to God, reflect upon our day and say thank you for what we are grateful for. I must say, the class have been so still and calm during these short minutes of reflection - well done Year 2!


All of the children have now completed their Accelerated Reader assessments and have been given new reading books. Please do not worry if your child appears to have moved down in their reading level. For the next month or so, Mrs Connolly and myself will be keeping a close eye on all of the children during independent reading time and will be monitoring their progress when quizzing. We will then move the children up through their ZPD range in order to challenge them and aid progress. Please can reading books be brought into school each day as time is allocated during the school day for independent reading and quizzing. It is essential that the children spend time reading at home too. We have not provided the children with reading records this year, but please do be assured that we will be monitoring reading every day. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email.

Let’s Celebrate

Esther, what a pleasure it is to have such an enthusiastic and positive young lady as part of our class team.  You have made such a superb start to your Year 2 journey.  You have listened carefully and shared your ideas so confidently with the class, all with a huge smile on your face too!  Your enthusiasm will certainly help that brain of yours to grow even more this year – well done!  

Wow Riley, what a superb start you have made to the year.  Your smile has been infectious as you have walked through the door each morning and you have tried so hard in every lesson.  It has been wonderful to see such a brave and determined learner, working through the challenges with bundles of self-belief and asking for help when needed.  Keep this up Riley – you should feel extremely proud. 


PE Days - Outdoor PE will take place on Wednesdays and Indoor PE on Thursdays. Please ensure that your child is wearing their full PE kit on these days. Thank you.

Pick up sheets - Please return these to school as soon as possible so that we know who is collecting your child each day.

If you haven’t done so already, please send a quick hello to so that I have your contact email for future reference. Within your email, please state whether you do or do not consent to your child’s photograph being published on the school website.

Please find home learning in the ‘learning from home’ section.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families!

God Bless

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter