Year 1 Home Learning 9.10.20

This week, learning is to be done in Home Learning Books.


Children have been set spellings of ie digraph and i-e split digraph . I will test the children on four of the words below, plus a bonus spelling from last week’s spellings! The children can practise these spelling on the Look Say Cover grid this week. Thank you to everyone who has been sticking their home learning sheets in - it takes seconds, but it takes up valuable time if I have to stick lots in during school.

lie tie pie cried tried five ride like time side


I would like the children to orally rehearse the story of Supertato. They have got a copy of the story map in their home learning book, as well as a written version of the story. Please use the written version to prompt the children, if they can’t remember the story. Next week they will be writing the original story out and the following week, they will innovating the story, with their own hero and villain. The more they practise this, the better their writing will be!

Read, read, read!

The children are flying through the flashcards; I am so impressed! Let’s keep it up year 1!

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.