Year 1 Home Learning 11.12.20


This week’s spellings are words I have spotted the children struggling to spell and read. Children will be tested on all of the words below. I will test the children on Wednesday; our Christmas Party day is Thursday.

who what where when how why because


Children have got a mash cam challenge on Purple Mash. I would love them to put themselves into Queen Elizabeth II’s shoes and tell me an interesting fact about her. I cannot wait to hear what the children find out. Please remind the children to ‘hand it in’, for me to mark.

Read, read, read!

The children are doing so well with their flashcards and it is having a noticeable impact on their reading. On the How to help your child page, there is a link to all of the flashcards.

Children who have completed learning the flash cards on sight, are now challenging themselves to spell them (starting from word set 1).

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.