Year 1 Home Learning 10.9.21

Home learning is set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday.

Spellings on Purple Mash

The children’s spellings this week have been set for them to practise on Purple Mash. They can find them in their ‘To Dos’. The spellings have the ai and oi diagraph. The children will be quizzed (on paper) on six of the spellings below on Thursday.

rain wait train paid afraid oil join coin point soil

Ongoing Home Learning Book Challenge

I would love the children to decorate their home learning book, to represent their wonderful and unique personalities. Be this with pictures, drawings, stickers - whatever they love! As these books are to be taken to and from school all year, I kindly ask that you cover them in a material that will keep them strong. Children have used sticky back plastic or wrapping paper, to do this in the past. If these could be completed by the Thursday 16th September, that would be amazing.