Year 2 Remote Learning - Friday 22nd January

It’s Friday! Can you believe it? Another super week of learning completed
Don’t forget to check the weekly blog for a celebration of this week’s learning … I wonder who has worked hard for those certificates this week?


Today you are going to be exploring TT Rockstars. Watch the videos to find out more!



Watch the story of ‘The 10 Lepers’. Make sure that you watch really carefully - we will be looking at this story next week.
A Leper is someone who is very ill, suffering from a terrible disease.


Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.


Have a look at the January Active Calendar below. Can you complete today’s task? Could you complete any of the previous days that have been missed?

january active calendar.JPG

Once again, a shorter day to match those learning in school.
Have a restful weekend,
Miss Woodend