Year 2 Remote Learning - Wednesday 3rd February


Welcome to Wednesday’s learning.
I hope you have a wonderful day.

For an extra challenge each day this month, I would like you to have a look at the friendly February calendar.
Have a look at today’s challenge. Can you spread happiness and cheer to someone today?

friendly february.PNG


Complete at least 3 minutes on TT Rockstars today. Remember, in class we are normally in the Arena between 11:30am and 12pm.

The work is on Purple Mash for you to complete if you wish.


Thank you for all of your super ideas yesterday. I loved checking WooClap to see what you thought Plop should be afraid of in our chapter. Here are your ideas.

2.2.21 - woo clap results.PNG

Many children thought that Plop should be scared of an animal. Therefore, I have taken that idea and in our chapter Plop is going to be afraid of …. nocturnal animals!


Information Texts


Read for at least 30 minutes each day. Don’t forget to quiz when you have finished your book too.

PE - Yoga

Have a go at this week’s Cosmic Kids Yoga.


Enjoy your fifth lesson on pulse!

Enjoy today’s learning

Miss Woodend