Good morning everyone. It’s Wonderful Wednesday today so be wonderful. Make sure that you are focused and enthusiastic about your work today and we would also like you to try to be creative like Kiki Chameleon too. Don’t forget to send us some photos of your work and you completing your challenges. If you are completing a 2Do, please make sure that you save and hand in your work. Have a wonderful day full of learning.
Yesterday we took a photo of the Reading Rainbow with your balloons on - we made sure that everyone was in the correct place. We will move you up when you have taken quizzes and take another photo in a few days. If you haven’t taken a quiz yet, see if you can take one soon. Don’t forget to read for at least 30 minutes today and take a quiz when you have finished a book. The link to Accelerated Reader quizzes is on the orange ‘How to help your child’ button, it will take you straight to the login page that you see in school. How are you progressing up the rainbow?
Since taking the photo in school and putting the photo on the blog I have just had another look and noticed that some people have moved up even more. A great big well done to Lily-Mae, Millie, Rosa, Max, Iris, Nicola, Franke, Owen, Ruby-Lilly, Christian and Leo who are doing so well at the moment. Keep up the good work!
Maths fluency
Here is a little video marking yesterday’s maths fluency, to get the best out of the fluency you will need to watch my little marking video the day after the fluency is completed and handed in. That way your child will get to see how the questions need to be worked out to allow them to make progress on their next fluency task.
Please see the video below for my maths lesson. We are popping some of the questions on Purple Mash that the children will be able to write on to help them with their work. When you get to the slide that says Your turn with the star, that task is set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash named 20th January Maths. Please write on it to complete that task and hand it in to be marked.
Find out what happens next in the story of the Iron Man. Something strange, very strange is about to happen. Watch the video below and then complete the activities. Remember to make sure that your handwriting is neat and that you remember to include punctuation please.