Hello! Hello! Hello! Are you ready for another day of wonderful learning? We hope so.
We are looking forward to seeing you on our class Zoom meeting this morning. Don’t forget to have some of your wonderful work ready to show everyone.
How are you doing with your reading? Are you ready to quiz?
Remember when you quiz, make sure that you check back in your book as you quiz to find the evidence to go with your answers.
Z Library
I have put a little video on the Year 3 'How to help your child' button about a website called Z Library which has free books to download if you're struggling to find books. Mrs Hotchkiss kindly made the video for us to show you how to use it etc. Check there is a quiz on Accelerated Reader before reading them if you are desperate for those last few points to meet your target.
There are a few other new bits added to this ‘how to help your child’ section that you might find helpful e.g. links to commonly used websites, if you haven’t looked at it for a while please take a look.
Maths fluency
Here is your video to mark yesterday’s fluency.
Here is today’s maths lesson, enjoy!
What is going to happen to the Iron Man and the space-bat-angel-dragon today? Watch the video and complete the learning activities. Be wonderful.
Today you need to try and get your St Anne’s leaflet finished on Purple Mash, don’t forget to write and add pictures inside your leaflet (not just the front and the back). This needs to be handed in by Friday please, so if you don’t manage to finish today you have a little extra time. I have set up a ‘Display board’ on Purple Mash so that the children can post their work on there for others to see. Here is a little video of how to do it, it’s straight forward and children you will be able to show your super work to your friends. Make sure you have a look at everyone else’s leaflets after Friday.