Year 5 Remote Learning Friday 15th January

Well done children we have made it to the end of the week!!! I have really enjoyed marking online - it is great to be able to record my feedback- I hope it was helpful. Mrs Gregan and Ms Lavelle are hosting live zoom councils today. Once they have successfully done - we will be setting this up for us for next week! We will need to decide the best time for everyone. I was thinking later in the afternoon maybe on Tuesday? Let me know via email! Shall we get cracking!


Here is a super challenge for you today IXL A18 can you find the highest common factor not just a common factor the highest one? For example the highest common factor between 10 and 20? 5 is a common factor and so is 1 but 10 is the highest common factor!!! Be a Kuba Crab!!


You may have spotted on the website in News Around the School that Mrs Gregan has posted a daily active challenge. Today we need to catch up! We are already up to January 15th! I would like you to select 5 challenges to complete today. I would love photos so I can post them and show Mrs Gregan! If you want to catch up and do all 15 you can!!!! Click below to open the challenge calendar!!!

LESSON 3 SPELLING UNIT 8 ant ance and ancy

This film was made for the last Year 5 in lockdown so there are instructions for a spelling text in Sumdog - This is not the case. Please watch the film complete the dictations and the worksheets. If you can print these off that would be best. If you don’t have a printer I have copied them into Purple mash- it will be tricky to place the text boxes all over the worksheet but you’re getting really good at this now and I think you’ll be able to do it!!!

As we go off for the weekend and we retreat from school and our computers - let us reflect on one of the Beatitudes:

Beatitude the meek.JPG

As our family and friends reach out to us for kindness and comfort let us be there.

God Bless Mrs H xxx