Reception Remote Learning - Monday 1st February

Good morning Reception

We are going to have a change to the layout of our learning this week. You have all been working so hard and I am very proud of all of you! I think it is important that we take time to recharge our batteries! (Grown ups included!)

Grown ups…over the next two weeks our blog will look a bit different. The beauty of Reception is the freedom to explore, play and allow the children’s interests to lead the learning. With the recent news that the current situation has to go on a little longer, I think it is important that we have a shake up, keep things fresh and keep that love of learning ever present!

Below you will see a timetable with the activities for the week. I don’t expect you to complete all the activities it is a pick and mix menu for you to choose from. For example one day you might do the sensory activity and not the fine motor activity. There is however one exception to this…phonics and reading, these must be done everyday! I have also added a list of resources you will need to complete certain activities.

Please continue to support you children as enthusiastically as you have been so far. I honestly don’t know how this plan will go, but I am excited to try! I look forward to hearing what you think (via a quick questionnaire). Hopefully with your feedback we can create a daily learning layout that will include the best elements of the last four weeks and the coming two weeks.

Have a lovely day!

If the box is purple, it means there is a video for this activity at the bottom of the blog. I have also added a table to show the things you will need if you choose certain activities throughout the week.

Wk 5 resource timetable.png
Wk 5 resource timetable.png


It’s time to learn a new sound - ‘or’ watch ‘Set 2 Speed Sounds with Rosie’ today

Please note that today’s videos are only available at 9:30am

Phonics Mon 1st.png

Below you will find all the videos for today’s learning.