Year 1 Remote Learning - Friday 8th January

What a busy first week back we have had year 1. I am so proud of you all!

What are we learning today?




Today we are going to be doing an independent write. I would love to see a photo of your finished work. Please can you email it to me I can’t wait to see your super writing. Parents I kindly ask that you don’t write down what your child has said during ‘magic mirror microphone’, for them to copy. Instead if you could encourage them to orally rehearse it and prompt them to check their punctuation and spellings etc. It’s important that the the work they send is as independent as possible. Thank you so much!

Have a wonderful weekend Year 1. You have all worked so hard this week and have been such enthusiastic Bobby Bees. I will be back on Monday morning, with more learning and your super exciting weekly challenges! Don’t forget to have a look at the main Year 1 Blog page to see what your class friends have been up to at home and at school.

Big smiles,

Miss Lane