Year 1 Remote Learning - Monday 25th January

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to another week of wonderful learning. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and had some cosy family time. I have got lots of exciting learning for you this week.

A friendly reminder that the Weekly Challenges are for you to complete if you have the time. I understand that many of you are working from home, alongside supporting your child’s learning. The amount of time each family can devote to remote learning is completely different. I would rather there was more learning available, than not enough. Please just do what you are able to and do not feel pressured to complete all of the learning below.

What are we learning today?


I am going to change how the children are accessing phonics at home. Ensuring children are reading books, which are suitably challenging is difficult under the current circumstances. I am unable to upload Read Write Inc. books to the website due to copyright and as much as I want to I cannot hand deliver books to the children on a weekly basis. I know some of the children do not like reading books on a screen (neither do I), however I’m hopeful that for now, this is a solution which the children will not only enjoy, but will meet their reading needs.

Each day I would like the children to continue to watch the Speed Sound Lesson on YouTube. I have created a class log in on Oxford Owl, which you can access by clicking on the button. Watch the video to learn how to log on. Username: year1olsots Password: fred

The children will have a focus book (for the week) and a daily reading challenge. For example, today, if you are in Pink Group, I would like you to read ‘Sam’s bag’, for the first time and sound out any tricky words. I will set a different challenge each day, based on a Read Write Inc. book. On Friday, I sent you all an email with your child’s colour group.


Please can you make sure your child is continuing to quiz on Accelerated Reader at least once a week. You can find the link on the how to help your child page.



Have a brilliant day year 1! See you tomorrow.

Big smiles,

Miss Lane