Year 5 Remote Learning Wednesday 6th January

Good morning everyone. Good morning to those children in school. and those learning at home! Together we will continue to keep learning and making the progress our hard work deserves! Today Mrs Harrison and Mrs Russell will be leading the learning in class while Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Nel will be supporting those at home!

I hope you all enjoyed the film yesterday - Please check out yesterday’s blog! We will be returning to the legend of Robin Hood in our forthcoming English lessons. Today we start with Maths.


Please watch the introduction to the lesson carefully it explains how the worksheets for this lesson and all your maths lessons are in your 2do folder in Purple Mash! That means your maths will be filed away safely and I will be able to mark it!

LESSON 2 Grammar Mash up with Mrs Harrison

Today we are going to revise some Grammar Skills (grammar fluency) from last term and previous years! Again - watch the film for guidance and complete the task set in Purple Mash- This is Mrs Harrison’s first remote learning movie and she was so excited to do it!


The children in school will be continuing with their art lesson every Wednesday. Unfortunately we can not set the exact same tasks due to access to equipment but Mrs Curtis will plan for us a weekly remote learning art task. Press on the link below to take you to Mrs Curtis’ Year 5 art blog! Please do send her pictures of your work she is ready to reply and encourage you all the way!


Before half term we explore the promises (covenants) God made with his people. One was to bring his people to The Promised Land. Moses did not find this easy and when his people made it to the dessert they began to complain and rebel. God helped Moses by giving him the 10 commandments. These were 10 rules /laws to live by. Needless to say this key rules are the bases for the Laws we follow today. Press the button below to read on - them complete the fun tsk below!

Now you have read the text -get ten post its or pieces of paper and write one commandment on each. Now pay these out on the floor or table in a triangular shape or diamond shape- placing the most important at the top and the least at the bottom what do you think? Would members of your family agree? Take a picture and email it to Mrs H or email on your Purple Mash.


Every Wednesday we spend time with Mrs Ward taking time out to centre ourselves find our breath and relax. This can be very challenging, but also so beneficial for our well being. Please press on the image to join in!

Well done for all your hard work!