Year 6 Remote Learning - Tuesday 19th January 2021

Good morning Year 6. I hope that you slept well and that you are ready for a full day of learning.

I will be sending some ‘touching base’ emails today to all of the children on home learning to see how you are and how you are getting on. Keep an eye on your Purple Mash emails today.

Here is our timetable for today!

English - Clockwork Part 2

Clockwork - Part 2

Today we are going to start to read Part 2 and to compare characters within the text.

An important Year 6 reading skill is to be able to see connections - we know this because of our wonderful display in class.

Task 1 - After reading Part 2, can you make a 2 connect with all of the connections you could make to the 4 characters that we are focusing on.

Task 2 - Using evidence from the text, can you make a firm connection between the four main characters and the characters that I have identified. Type this up onto the Purple Mash document.

MATHS - Subtraction of Fractions

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO!

Today we are subtracting fractions together. There is a lot of modelling in this lesson so there is an opportunity to stop and start the video and to go over what I have shown you.

Please complete your fluency and subtraction of fractions and hand them in. There is a further puzzle today using the whole part model.

EXTENSION FOR FURTHER PRACTISE - In order to become really confident with the skill of subtracting fractions, here are some extension questions that you can choose to do. The answers are on the second page so you can check to see if you have got them right.

GEOGRAPHY - UK Towns and Cities - Two Day Task

Please use the lesson above as the starting point to your research. Read the lesson slides and make notes as you go.

Day 1 - Choose a UK town or city to research in detail. This can be a place from the county that you researched last week or a totally different place.

Think about:

  • Location of the town or city.

  • Population

  • Size

  • Famous Landmarks

  • History of the town/city - when was it granted city status?

  • Geographical features - is it on a river? Near a mountain range?

  • Tourist attractions.

Day 2 - Create a poster about your town/city (just like you did with your county) thinking about the feedback that you received last week. How can you make an improvement? Submit via Purple Mash

French - Number in French

Can you revise your numbers to 10 using Madame Jefferson’s story? She has created a video for you.

Make some notes and learn your numbers in French.