Year 6 Remote Learning - Thursday 21st January 2021

Good morning, we are nearly at the end of another week - time really is flying! I will be sending out the Zoom details for tomorrow’s council meeting later on today. I will be sending them to your Purple Mash email account.

The Class Council blog is live…please contribute to it ready for this Friday’s Zoom.

Here is our timetable for today!

English - Frankenstein Lesson 2

Please listen to your feedback on your Mash Cam writes and edit your writing. There was some fantastic writing to read and some even scarier monster faces!

These are the lesson resources that you may need and can dip into during this writing lesson.

Do you know much about the story of Frankenstein? Today we are going to learn all about the story and then think about some of the tricky language that we meet.

Can be handed in Thursday 21st or Friday 22nd January - think about the time you need to make it a quality piece of writing.

Task - Using the descriptosaurus language and the example of the WAGOLL, can you write your own character description of the monster of Frankenstein. Think about what you included in your Mashcam yesterday and how you can use that evidence when writing today.

Let’s really think about what a Year 6 writer looks like and the evidence that you should include in your writing. I am excited to see what you produce.

MATHS - Adding and subtracting fractions word problems

Today is a practice day from the past 2 days of learning. How confident can you become?

10 minutes on TT Rockstars please to get warmed up - GO!

Task 1 - Fluency. Watch the video and complete your fluency on Purple Mash today.

Task 2 - Can you complete the mastery questions on Purple Mash? There are a number of questions to think about so think deeply and try your hardest.

RE - The beginning of Mass

In today’s lesson we will be looking at and sequencing the events at the beginning of Mass.

Task 1 - Penitential Act To Do on Purple Mash

Task 2 - Sequencing the beginning of Mass on Purple Mash