Year 5 Thursday 7th January Remote Learning

Good morning children! For those children at home, you will notice that I have marked your Robin Hood Diaries. I really enjoyed them. I have given careful feedback so that you can keep improving your writing all the time!

Shall we crack on?

LESSON 1 MATHS Today we will continue to investigate multiples and then factors! Watch the film with care, reply sections if you need to, complete jotting in your maths book and write on the sheets in Purple Mash.

LESSON 2 ROBIN HOOD - A CHARACTER DESCRIPTION - today we are going to reflect on the character of Robin Hood. Just like we did for Antigone and Hamlet we are going to write a paragraph describing Robin! First we need to collect ideas - then we need to write. Watch the lesson and complete the tasks.

LESSON 3 RE - WHO INSPIRES YOU? - to day we would like you to reflect on inspirational figures. People who inspire you. This is a tricky one as we often think of celebrities- it is interesting though when I have asked this question in the past the overwhelming answers have been - family (grandad, mum, dad brother and sister). I think this is because we know these people in our hearts. We know what they have faced and how they have overcome difficulty - we know them as loving and selfless. As we journey through life God invites us to know him intimately too, in fact he wanted this sooo much he sent is son! Today we ant you to reflect on all the inspirational things Jesus said. Watch the film for an explanation

Well Done lots of focus today!!!

Friday will be a shorter day - just like school!

Mrs H xxx