'Trust that an ending is usually followed by a beginning.'

It has been a great week to end the half term. The children definitely deserve a big rest after working so hard this half term. We cannot wait to share our last six weeks together after the holiday and are so looking forward growing our brains ready for Year 1.

We enjoyed the film premiere of our Three Little Pig stories this week, made even better by our VIP guest, Miss Hornby and of course…POPCORN. It was lovely to see how proud the children were of their own and their friends stories. I will share the videos below as soon as the Vimeo loading wheel stops spinning!

Today we had a bittersweet goodbye to say. Miss Neves leaves us today to prepare for having her baby. We are all so excited for Miss Neves and her family, I’m sure you will join us in sending lots of love and prayers in their direction. The children said said a great big thank you and good luck with a top secret card they had been making this week.

Caterpillar update - 1 butterfly, 3 cocoons and 30 very very patient children.

Nursery and Year One’s butterflies emerged from their cocoons last week, we think our must be extra comfy. One butterfly has made an appearance but unfortunately it was too cold to release it today. The butterflies to be will be taking a trip to Preston with Miss Lavelle. (I will film their release!)

Let’s Celebrate

We are very proud of another successful half term full of learning, imagination and fun. The children were excited to hear the class had been awarded a team certificate for the enthusiasm, resilience, kindness, cooperation and concentration. Everyone has played their part, well done Reception!

Important Notices

Home Learning - Please check reading folders for our half term home learning, hopefully the children will really enjoy it!

School reopens - Monday 7th June at the usual times of 8:30am and 8:45am.

We hope you have a wonderful half term with your families,

The Reception Team