'I will trust the promise, You will carry me safe to shore!'

What a brilliant week discovering the story of an incredibly brave woman…Grace Darling. She was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper, who showed bravery, courage and determination to rescue nine people when their ship ran aground on the Farne Islands off the coast of Northumberland. We reenacted the story in our garden and wrote some brilliant sentences about what we had discovered.

We thought this was a very fitting song for our learning this week. The children have been asking me for weeks to put it on our blog. After months of enjoying the song as part of our class worship we finally performed to a sell out crowd of Nursery and Miss Hornby!

I know many of you have been playing it at home already but if you want to enjoy the song together the button below will take you to a lyrics video.

Every week we have some very special writing time where we all transform into authors, and work together to share ideas and build some fun stories. I had to share this week’s story with you all, I think it might be our best one yet…look at those words!

smeely foot final.png

Let’s Celebrate

Emilia is a Creative Kiki Chameleon - For leading some brilliant imaginative play this week by reenacting the Wizard of Oz in our garden. We are very impressed with your use of  props and voices to make the play even more exciting. It was great to see you making sure every one had a turn to be their favourite character too. Well done Emilia!

Isaac is Creative Kiki Chameleon - For being incredibly creative in the workshop this week by using many different resources to make some great props to support your play. Flying bats and crowns to name a few! We are very impressed that you have share your skills with others and supported them to switch on their imaginations, Well done Isaac!

Important Notices

Home Learning - Read, read, read! Get lots of fresh air and lots of sleep so we can thoroughly enjoy our last week in Reception together!

Reading Folders - Please return all reading folders on Monday complete with any school reading books and flashcards sets you have at home.

Have a lovely weekend and please enjoy football coming home in a safe and distanced way!

The Reception Team