‘Every chapter has it’s end, but then every end has a new beginning.’

It has been a fantastic final week together. The children we’re so excited to visit the Year One classroom, have snack in the garden and have playtime on the big playground! They cannot wait to meet Miss Lane properly in September. The excitement continued when we had a socially distanced visit with Miss Neves and baby Emma, a party and watch the Year Six’s Wizard of Oz performance all in one day! We finished our final day together with a beautiful whole school assembly on the field this morning and our own special class worship (with a very loud final rendition of My Lighthouse!)

I don’t even know where to begin with this final message to you all. When I think back to the start of our Reception journey, there was excitement and nerves for the adventure that was about to begin. The children were just wonderful from the start and the resilience, determination and enthusiasm they have shown over the past year has been mind blowing. I cannot put into words how proud I am of the children and what the have achieved. As parents you have supported them (and me) every step of the way and I am so grateful, especially through the weeks and weeks of lockdown. You carried on with smiles on your faces, and that was reflected in the children as we came back together in March.

I feel quite emotional sat here in an empty classroom knowing that all my little chicks have flown the nest, but there are so ready to soar into their next adventure and will be incredibly good hands with Miss Lane and the Year One team.

This morning in our whole school assembly, Miss Hornby told us everything we do changes the world for someone. So Reception go, go, go, spread kindness, happiness and love to everyone you meet.

You have all been absolute superstars, we will miss you so much.

Please have a fabulous summer holiday, I think we all deserve it!

The Reception Team

Important Notices

  • If you have any spare time during the holidays and would like to keep that love of learning ticking over, head over to the Home Learning section of the Y1 page. There you will find a range of activities to have a go at in preparation for Year 1.

  • Keep a look out on the Year 1 page on Tuesday, as there will be a little message from Miss Lane, explaining all about what to expect in September.

  • Children return to school on Thursday 2nd September. Please see Miss Hornby’s blog for changes in staggered times and house teams.