Year 5 Remote Learning Monday January 11th

Good morning everyone at home and school. Today Miss Coupe and Mrs Russell will be here to support you in class! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and you got the opportunity to take a step back and rest. I really want you to take care of mum and dad and all family members. Everyone is adjusting again so be kind and patient.

Well we should crack on with the day!


WARM - UP For those children at home please start with 10 minutes on TT ROCKSTARS


Finding the common factors. This is an incredibly important lesson today children (they always are). We need to be able to understand factors and then common factors. These skills help us enormously when we work with fractions - just ask mum and dad


Today we are going to revisit a LEGEND. Remember when we studied Legends at the beginning of the year. These are stories in which a hero goes out on a quest and fights something evil to finally triumph in the end. There is action, tragedy, tension and morals (good and bad). Make sure you are organized. You will need the Text “Robin Hood -opening” the planning sheet and the success criteria. You can find these in your purple mash and to print on the buttons below. Watch film 1 first, then have your planning sheet ready for film 2! TOMMORROW we will be writing the extract (part of the story). Today is all about planning.

LESSON 3 - Music

In school every Monday we share a worship together and then we have music with Mrs Mallinson. During this half term we will be taking part in Oak Academy music lession. These are six lesson on Duration!!! Sounds intriguing! Here is the introduction:

This lesson will include a fun warm-up and learning a song from Brazil through performing rhythm and pulse simultaneously, with an added challenge at the end!

LESSON 4 ART - Mrs Curtis will have needed a little time today to get this ready so please leave until the afternoon- Thank you!

Well done for all your human sketches from last week! You are probably surprised to see art on Monday. But we have had to swap the timetable around in school so we have moved art with Mrs Curtis to Monday instead of Wednesday. I have linked you once again to Mrs Curtis Year 5 art page - Have fun!!

End of the day Prayer and worship

Take a little time somewhere quite and say three Hail Mary’s one for your friends, one for your family and one for yourself.

God Bless see you tomorrow