"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"

We have been super busy once again here in Year 2! The classroom has been filled with so many Enthusiastic Bobby Bees and Have a Go Tommy Turtles, and because of this, so much learning has taken place!

In Maths we have been comparing and ordering numbers. We have looked at how we can determine whether a number is greater or smaller than another and have used concrete representations to help us with this. The children are so sensible when we get the mathematical equipment out to help our learning and are brilliant at stopping and listening when needed - Well done Year 2, this certainly helps your brains to grow!

We have been SO busy in English! We started the week by learning all about adjectives and how they are used to describe nouns. Alongside this, we have been delving deeper into arctic animals so that we have a greater understanding of what they look like and how they move for when we come to plan and write our own versions of the story ‘The Way Home for Wolf’. Today we have also learned all about verbs. I wonder if your child can tell you the difference between a verb and an adjective?

We ended the week in such a beautiful way with a class prayer and liturgy this afternoon. I am always blown away by the children during prayer, as they are always so still, calm and reverent. As part of our liturgy, we also took a trip over to our school chapel. Once again, the children showed just how sensible they all are as they prayed and thanked God for the wonderful week they had had.

Let’s Celebrate

Rory, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week!  You have been making so many connections in your learning, particularly in maths, and you have given brilliant reasons for your answers.  You have also been asking some great questions to take your learning even deeper.  Well done Rory!

We are so proud of you Teddy!  You have been such a brave Tommy Turtle and have had a go at every challenge thrown your way this week!  You have listened so carefully during lessons and have shared so many wonderful ideas with the class.  We all loved hearing your adjective ideas in English and couldn’t believe just how many arctic animals you managed to describe in your writing.  Keep it up Teddy!


Thank you for booking an appointment for our virtual parents’ meetings. I am looking forward to speaking with you all on Thursday 21st October.

School photographs are taking place on Wednesday 13th October. Please can all children come to school in their full school uniform. No PE kits on this day, thank you.

Enjoy the weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Carter