Advent in Year 4 has felt like a real journey this year because of the children’s deep reflection, kind words for each other and a real drive for their learning. This week we have done so much! We learned about other Ancient Civilisations in History on Tuesday and how they were similar in ways, to Ancient Egypt. Then we ended our History topic with a celebration of all the Achievements and inventions of this society.
In maths, we have now mastered the formal method of column addition with 4 digit numbers. Children showed such a sense of pride to grasp this. In English, children have been very busy composing their own stories based on the Pied Piper. My goodness - the progress they have made with writing already! I cannot tell you how proud I am of their work ethic.
In RE we have been learning about the Trinity and how our Catholic believe in who Jesus really is is the true meaning of Christmas.
What a joyous feeling it was on Thursday to celebrate with this beautiful class of children. We had a well-deserved day off school work and the children partied their little socks off! Even though they are all tired, they have remained hard-working and kind to the very end. They have kept me going! Here is a film of the fun we had!
When you have settled down for Christmas, please take some time (whilst munching a mince pie or two) to watch our KS2 Christmas concert. It is beautiful and will well and truly get you in the Christmas spirit. We do long for the days when we can invite you all to watch these performances live again though.
Let’s Celebrate!
These children have met their reading targets this week: Matilda, Rosa, Dominic and Leo.
This week our certificate winners are:
1. Matilda (Kiki Chameleon) For trying so hard and putting so much thought into all she does. Super story this week!
2.Millie (Bobby Bee) for showing such enthusiasm and drive for her learning. Super story too this week!
SWIMMING. After the holidays children will be starting going to swimming lessons from Monday 10th January. All children will need to be at school every Monday morning at 8.30. The coach leaves at 8:45 am. Girls will need to wear their swimming hats ready. Children will need a plastic bag with their towel, goggles if wanted and a swimming costume or swimming trunks. No bikinis or long bermuda shorts allowed. If they have a verucca, they will need verucca socks. They can wear their costume under their PE tracksuit - but please make sure then to pack underwear! More details will be given in the New Year - Graham from St Annes YMCA is visiting class on Thursday in the first week to answer questions.
Linked to our upcoming Science topic of Solids, Liquids and Gases, there will be a ‘Cosmetic Chemistry,’ trip after holidays on Wednesday 26th January to UCLAN, Preston. The cost of the trip will be £11 payable on ParentPay by January 19th
Children break up on Friday 17th December at 2:00pm
We wish you a happy and healthy Christmas. Thank you for the gift of your beautiful children.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.