"And then I realised adventures are the best way to learn!"

I think it’s safe to say that we all had the BEST time on our trip to Imagine That Science and Discovery Centre yesterday! The day was filled with so much happiness as the children explored, questioned, played and created whilst they moved through the different zones within the museum. They were such a pleasure to take out of school and they showed just how much they have grown and matured in the time they have been in Year 2 so far! We made snow, slime, bath bombs and so much more! I think I’ll have to let the photographs speak for themselves on this one as we had such a busy day, I don’t think I could possibly write all that we did down!

On Wednesday we had our third KidSafe lesson which was all about staying safe whilst using computers and other devices. Once again, the children spoke so openly and shared so many thoughts, ideas and opinions with the class. To find out more about what we discussed, please read the letter below.

In maths we have been learning how to exchange when adding. The children are now really confident when finding number bonds to take them to the next ten and then checking how many tens and ones there are to find the answer.

The class are LOVING our Traditional Tale with a twist unit and this week have focused on the difference in the character of the wolf in the original story of the three little pigs and the true story of the three little pigs. The class have such creative minds and I can’t wait to see which ideas the children will magpie for their own traditional tale with a twist writing.

Let’s Celebrate

After our wonderful trip yesterday it was impossible to pick two children for the certificate! Therefore, the whole class was awarded with an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’. Here’s what was written on the certificate.

Year 2 – I simply couldn’t be prouder of you all!  Our first trip together yesterday was fantastic!  You were all so sensible and courteous, but most of all, you were all Enthusiastic Bobby Bees!  You explored the different science activities with such curiosity and wonder and you worked and played so kindly and co-operatively with each other.  It was a delight to take you out of school – well done!


After great discussion about how to restart our charity work the children have agreed that if every family donates £5 we will be able to raise a large sum to present to Brian House. To do this they have planned two themed Fridays, the first on December 3rd – a Silly Sock or tight with uniform day - make your socks or tights stand out! The second on December 10th – a Christmas themed clothes day; a jumper, a t-shirt or simply Christmas colours. Mrs Hodges will organise ParentPay so that each family and members of staff can make a charitable donation.

This week, the children have begun rehearsals for their Nativity. This years Nativity will be very special; it will be filmed for your enjoyment at home and will allow you to share it with friends and family at this very special time of the year. I look forward to sharing the filmed performance with you in my final blog before Christmas, although I have no doubt you’ll hear the songs before then!

Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.