Year 3 5.11.21 'Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost'

It was so wonderful to see all the children’s smiling faces as they came back in to the classroom on Monday, after their half term. The children have clearly had a wonderful time and had plenty of rest, as they have come back full of beans and ready to learn.

Year 3 Learning this week …

This week the children have worked so hard in their Maths, using their estimations skills to calculate numbers on a Numberline, we have now started looking at one more or less of large numbers, to give them a solid foundation of place value when we move on to addition and subtraction. Alongside this learning, the children have also been learning all about acute, obtuse and right angles. We made our own angle creator to see if our partners could recognise these three types of angles.

In English, we have been focusing on developing our reading skills in guided reads and the children completed their next star reading quiz, and the children have now received their new ZPD codes for reading.

History has been fun and exciting this week, in class we had some historians, archeologists and theologists debating over the mystery of why Stonehenge was built. The children create their version of Stonehenge and we also did our ‘quiz, quiz, trade’ on the questions from that tricky quiz they had to do over half term!

School trip information:

Our school trip to Brockholes in next Monday 8th November. We will be leaving promptly at 9am so please make sure all pupils arrive on time to school. We will be arriving back within school time so the usual collection time still applies. Any delays with traffic and we will inform you via the school messaging service, so please keep your mobile phones to hand.

We are there all day so can children please ensure they bring with them a packed lunch and drinks. There will be a place where they can keep their lunches. If your child usually has a school dinner this day, they will receive a packed lunch from Jackie in the morning.

Please can children come appropriately dressed for the outdoors. No new or precious clothes should be worn- it is a rough and tumble day, where children WILL get muddy! Can they make sure they are wrapped up, with plenty of layers. Children also must make sure they have a waterproof coat and maybe even trousers if they have them already. Wellies, boots or old trainers should also be worn. The weather is looking ok on this day for now, but as we all know, this is changeable.

Let’s Celebrate!

An enthusiastic and focused learner Cora:

We have absolutely loved seeing your new and improved focus throughout the week Cora. You have been so determined to manage any distractions and we have been so impressed by your efforts! You are a little bundle of enthusiasm Cora, and mixing this excitement along with your focus is a recipe for success. Keep up the wonderful effort, we are so proud of you!

A co-operative learner Esther:

What a delight it is to have such a caring member of our class. You are always so mindful of others and how they are feeling. As a learning partner you are wonderful and supportive and have found your confidence in asking your partner for help too. We know that whenever there is someone who needs some help you will be there. Thank you Esther,


  • Don’t forget the school trip next Monday 8th November- please read the information above.

  • WELLIES… we are trying to use our outdoor space more, which means that some playtimes we might be using the field. Could children please bring in a pair of wellies that they can keep in school? Could all wellies be clearly labelled with their names and in a plastic bag that is also labelled with their name, that they can hang on their pegs.

  • If you haven’t already, please make sure you pay for the school trip by next week, many thanks.