"Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man"

What a lovely week it has been in Year 2! It’s hard to believe that the season of Advent is here already and the children only have two more weeks of learning until they come to the end of their first term in Year 2. This week we have spent time reflecting upon Advent and what it means. The children wrote some heart felt Advent promises which are now displayed on our lovely whole school promise display in the hall. We also thought carefully about what else we could do in order to prepare for Jesus’ birth and open our hearts for the coming of our Saviour. Many of the children have set themselves little challenges, such as tidying their bedrooms and sharing their toys. Hopefully the Advent season will be filled with love, compassion and kindness in your homes! The children also sequenced the different parts of the Nativity story this week and spent time thinking carefully about how both Mary and Joseph must have felt when they discovered that they had been chosen to bring such a special gift into the world.

We have delved even deeper into Traditional Tales with twist this week. The children have really enjoyed reading Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes and even had a go at writing their own book review for the stories we have read so far. They are really thinking carefully about the use of exclamation marks in their writing and when they can be used effectively. This morning the children were introduced to our final Traditional Tale with a twist ‘The great fairytale disaster’. We will use this story structure to help up to write our own fairytales with a twist in the coming weeks and after the Christmas holidays.

The children have been so determined and resilient during maths lessons this week. We have been adding and subtracting two digit numbers and the children have learnt how to exchange ones for a ten when a number bridges over a ten. This is a really tricky concept but the children have used a range of concrete apparatus and written strategies to help them.

This week in HRSE, KS taught us all about keeping our bodies safe. Please read the letter below for more information.

In amongst all of this super learning we have also somehow managed to find time to practise for our Nativity which we are hoping to film next week. Please do practise any lines over the weekend so that your child is able to say them clearly and confidently.

Let’s Celebrate

Lorenzo, you have been such a ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spider’ this week!  You have listened so carefully in maths and have been determined to keep going even when you have found the learning tricky.  It has been wonderful to see your beaming smile and we are all so proud of what you have achieved in your learning.  Keep it up Lorenzo and your brain will be bulging!

Wow Seth – what a ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ you have been this week!  You have managed your distractions fantastically and have played such an active role in our lessons.  The amount of work you are producing is increasing day by day and that’s because your head is down and you are getting straight on with the task in hand.  It was also wonderful to see your pride when you achieved 100% on your reading quiz!  Well done!


It was great to see so many wonderful silly socks today and thank you to those who have already made a donation for Brian House via ParentPay. Next Friday (10th December) will be our second fundraising day - a Christmas themed clothes day; a jumper, a t-shirt or simply Christmas colours.

Christmas Party Day - In class on the 16th December, we will be having our Christmas party. Children can come to school wearing their party clothes ready for a day of fun, dancing and games. Please do ensure that warm clothes and sensible footwear are still worn as we will be going outside at playtimes and lunch. I feel layers may be a good idea! On this day, children can also bring an extra small snack (packet of crisps or a chocolate bar) to enjoy and a drink (not fizzy). The children will also be enjoying a Christmas lunch in the hall.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.