Year 3 blog 3.12.21 'Where there is hope...there is life' Anne Frank

We can’t believe we have entered the first week of advent already and our first term together is coming to an end. What an exciting week of learning we have had. Year 3 have now finished their learning of ‘The Manchester Ridge-back’ report and we are ready to show you- we hope you enjoy it. The children have worked so hard on drawing the map out, learning and remembering this whole report through actions, having lots of fun on the way! We have worked in partners, groups and at different points throughout the day we have got up and recited it all! We are very proud of them all.

Paragraph 1 …

Paragraph 2 …

Paragraph 3 …

Paragraph 4 …

Year 3 Learning this week …

This week the children have been working extremely hard on pulling out all the features of non-chronological reports ready for our innovation writing next week. We have continued to work on compound sentences, making sure we only use one coordinating conjunction within a sentence. Vocabulary is constantly being collected and the retrieval of this is crucial for their vocabulary bank to broaden- why not ask them what some of the words in our report mean? They have worked hard to learn and remember these meanings, playing lots of different games to help us along the way and have now even started to use these within their sentences in grammar lessons! Good job Year 3.

In Maths we have started looking at 100 and looking at how we can divide this equally in to parts, shading in parts on a number square, drawing out bar models and writing lots of calculations that show this. We have been counting up in multiples of 50, 25, 20 and recognizing the numbers patterns these make to help us go beyond 100. I have given them the mission to practice this before next Monday!

We had our third Kidsafe lesson this week. We learned all about using technology safely and discussed what we would do if we came upon an image accidentally that gave us those yucky feelings . Please find this weeks Parent Letter attached for you to read.

Let’s Celebrate!

A determined and focused learner : Sophia

You have had a fantastic week Sophia! We have really noticed your effort and determination, particularly during our class discussions where you have shown such enthusiasm to share your thoughts. You are pushing yourself within each lesson and the work you have produced shows just how carefully you have focused. Keep it up Sophia we are so impressed!

An enthusiastic learner : Michael

You are an absolute delight Michael, you always put a smile on our faces because you are such a positive member of our class. You are the epitome of an enthusiastic learner! It is such a joy to see your excitement during our lessons and this excitement radiates onto those around you. You are a wonderful learning partner, always giving your partner such wonderful encouragement and support. We are so proud of you Michael, keep up the great work!


  • If you haven’t already please donate to our chosen charity Brian House this advent via Parent Pay. It would be greatly appreciated.

  • This Thursday (9th) we will be going to mass at Our Lady’s church. Please make sure that your child arrives to school with warm/waterproof clothing to walk down in.

  • December 10th – a Christmas themed clothes day; a jumper, a t-shirt or simply Christmas colours.

  • Thursday 16th December is Christmas Dinner Day and Party Day, where once again children are able to wear their own clothes.

  • Can we please keep in mind that on the days children are able to wear their own clothes, that they wear warm clothing and appropriate footwear etc as classrooms can be cold and they will still be going out to play.

  • Can we also ask that children refrain from sending Christmas cards to every member of their class, Let’s help save the environment! If they really want to send a card to their class friends, then please just send one to the whole class and we will share it with them. Many thanks for your support in this area.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert will be live on the blog on Friday 17th December, ready for you to share with all of your loved ones, safely from the comfort of your home.