…and just like that, a little sign of hope appears!


What perfect timing for the iris, we planted at the start of the year, to blossom. A lovely sign of hope, just when we need it most!

Wow, what a half term it has been. I know I’ve said this before, but  we are bursting with pride for our Reception team. You (and your grown ups) have shown patience, courage, resilience and communicated brilliantly with us and we could not be more grateful! You have helped to make what could have been a difficult situation a lot smoother. It has been a joy to see you grow and develop from near or far and your positivity shine through! We have loved seeing the ‘I wonder…’ research, the delicious treats you have made in the kitchen, the 100% effort with daily workouts, your number and phonics skills coming on leaps and bounds. As well as all the extra creative activities you have been doing too.

Grown ups you deserve a huge pat on the back for guiding your child through this time at a moments notice and enabling them to achieve so many amazing things whilst juggling so much yourselves. As I said last week, we have all achieved something over this half term, no matter how small it may feel, celebrate those little wins! 

Let’s Celebrate

George C and Lucia are Enthusiastic Bobby Bees - For being so enthusiastic and working hard with our learning challenges this week. I enjoyed seeing your I wonder research and you getting creative in the kitchen. Well done George and Lucia!

Myles is a Kiki Chameleon - We love for working as part of a team to create a fantastic small world. You added some great suggestions and wrote some brilliant labels. Well done Myles!

Lent - Half Term Challenge

This year, Ash Wednesday falls during our half term break. Lent is a time to pray, fast and give, think about who might need your prayers at this time and who you can give the gift of love and time too. In the first lockdown, lots of us decorated our houses with rainbows. As we think about the coming Spring during Lent, you could make a rainbow coloured prayer paper chain. Each day, think of someone who needs your prayers and write their name on a strip of paper. Stick the strip into a loop with glue or a bit of sellotape, then keep adding a loop each day as you pray for someone as part of your Lenten promise. By Easter time, you will have a long chain to decorate your house or bedroom and remember all those people who you’ve held in prayer through Lent.

Important Notices

ZOOM - Whole class zoom calls will continue after half term Monday 22nd (News sentence) and Wednesday 24th (Workout) both at 11am, same code as usual. Small group zooms for the children at home full time will stay at the same times, please let me know if you cannot attend at your allocated time.

Remote Learning Feedback Form - Thank you for your feedback, it will be really useful when I am putting together a timetable for after half term.

We look forward to continuing our learning on Monday 22nd February.

Have a wonderful half term, and again…thank you!

The Reception Team

Enjoy the pictures below of another fantastic week of learning! Click on the right of the pictures to swipe through!