English - Spelling.
We are having a little block of spelling lessons all about homophones. These are words which sound the same but have a different spelling - eg main/mane here/hear
This week, children have:
1) A sheet labelled ‘Mark the teacher’ where they need to correct the ones that are wrong.
2) They then need to write a paragraph in their homework books, using the homophones on the sheet that we have focused on this week.
3) Finally, they need to complete the 2 spelling quizzes set on Purple Mash. These are Year 2 quizzes to revise our knowledge.
Maths - Fractions
We have worked really hard at recognising fractions this week.
1) Please compete YEAR 3 IXL units W5 W7 and W15. If you wish to do more from the W section of Year 3 please do! It is good for you!
2) Also we are trying hard to pick up our speed on TTRockstars. Please practise the tables I have set for you this week. Aim to do as many short sessions on it as you can.