Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 26th March 2021

This week’s home learning is online


Complete the ‘finding halves’ activity on Purple Mash.

Maths IXL

Have you completed units M.1 and M.2? If you haven’t, choose one of the sections to complete. If you have, complete one other section of your choice.

TT Rockstars

Try and visit the TT Rockstar website for at least 3 minutes each day. Which level are you on now?


Please read your reading books for at least 10 minutes each day. Don’t forget those important bed time stories too - there’s nothing better than snuggling up with a good book!

Complete the ‘conjunction’ worksheet set on Purple Mash.

English IXL

Complete section S.1. If you’ve completed this section, choose another to complete.


Spelling the ‘ee’ sound ‘ey.

donkey money key monkey trolley honey

Set 14

two their through many water someone