Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Thursday 1st April

Welcome to this weeks learning!

Task 1 Reading

Please enjoy your novel everyday. We read at school everyday when we arrive in the morning- it is lovely if we return to this world again last thing at night! Keep loving those books they are the key to all successful learning.

NB for parents: The link for parents to your child’s Accelerated Reader account -to help you see your child’s progress is at the top of this page.

Task 2 Maths

It is great to see everyone’s TT Rockstar average daily times shoot up this week I can see you have been practicing daily - make sure you do those 5-10 minutes everyday!

I have decided to post an image of our fleuney efforts each week - we have an average of 3mins each day over the past 7 days. I’m sure we can get that to 5mins. You can see too that we have 93% participation- all good but can we do even better?

Screenshot 2021-03-25 140918.png

Task 3 Maths IXL

We have worked sooo hard on our Four Operation rules over this term we have almost mastered long multiplication and long division too )sooo proud of you).

We know that the product of two numbers is the answer when we times and the quotient is the answer when we divide- with that in mind please complete F8.

We will be moving onto fractions so to get jog your memory complete the fractions review S1

TASK 4 English - focused writing task

We explored the pros and cons of Fracking last week- there was a lot of cracking work (did you get my pun? :D

I want you to imagine you are a Journalist this week. Imagine that Fracking has continued just outside of Blackpool in Little Plumpton. The Fracking has caused a terrible earthquake: Here is the key information

It happened at at 9: 50pm (Friday 26th March) .

I shook houses, knocking ornaments over and even TV’s fell from wall.

A crack appeared too in the promenade at Blackpool near to the Tower.

Slates fell off a roof in St. Annes and a man (Simon Jones 45 a teacher) had to be taken to hospital with head injuries.

The Fracking company have Quadrilla have been drilling for shale gas on the site for only 2 months

I would like you to write an opening paragraph a News report plus an impactful Headline! I have attached a lesson from earlier this term (14mins) to remind you about how to write that opening paragraph to the report! BUT BE AWARE IT IS A MEMORY JOGGER NOT THE LESSON YOU HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT THIS EARTHQUAKE! Once you have written it type and edit it into your Purple Mash

Here is the Success Criteria grid to help you too - make sure you have all the features. Edit your work for spelling errors and the quality of your punctuation too.

Task 5 Spelling

Do you remember this lesson from a few weeks ago? It is a great way to remember these tricky words! Learn the little stories and rhymes for next week! Will you be able to teach another child in school? Before next Thursday complete the spelling text on Purple Mash too.

Enjoy - you can do it!