Be someone's sunshine today

Another week has whizzed by here in Year 2! Our classroom has been filled with so many Focused Cooper Crabs each day and the learning taking place has been amazing. I have even likened the children to juniors this week! The enthusiasm and determination they have shown has been unbelievable and I couldn’t be prouder.

On Wednesday the class were introduced to our new focus text … Aladdin. I don’t think I’ve ever heard as many ‘yeses’ after introducing a story before! We have spent this week reading the first paragraphs from different versions of the story to get a feel of what Aladdin is like as a person. We have also watched several short clips from the film. So far, we have decided that Aladdin is quite the scoundrel and thief. He hasn’t been portrayed as a very kind person, but will our opinions change? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

In maths we have revisited the tricky skill of number lines and have been estimating where numbers would be placed on a blank number line from 0-100. It has been wonderful to watch the children grow in confidence with this over the past week, with so many finding it tricky on Monday but now placing numbers with such confidence and great reasoning this morning.

Here are our human number lines.

On Tuesday we enjoyed our first child led prayer and liturgy session. It was lovely to see the children’s plans come to life as they helped the rest of the class to pray, reflect and think deeply about their chosen topic - honesty. Here are a few photographs.


Let’s Celebrate

You have been a real determined learner this week Riley and I am so proud of all you have achieved!  You’ve tried your best to complete your expectations to the best of your ability, and even when you have found things tricky, you’ve asked for help politely and have been able to explain what you have been stuck on clearly.  I couldn’t quite believe my eyes when you completed ALL of the challenges in maths this week.  Well done Riley!

Layla, you have been a real Enthusiastic Bobby Bee since returning to school after the holidays!  You have been incredibly engaged during lessons and you’ve asked so many questions to extend your learning further.  It has been great to see lots of deeper thinking during English comprehension and you have been so curious about new vocabulary.  Keep it up Layla – you are working so hard!


Thank you to those who have already signed up to our virtual parents’ evening meetings. If you haven’t booked yours yet, please check Miss Hornby’s blog from last week to check how to do so.

If it is a hot day, please ensure that your child applies sun cream before school, and if required, has a small bottle with them to reapply at lunch. Sun hats can also be worn at playtimes, but no sun glasses please.

PE days are Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Children must have their shorts with them on indoor PE days.

Home Learning can be found on the Year 2 Weekly Home Learning page. Here you will also find this week’s spellings to learn.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend in this glorious sunshine!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team