"The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page"

Each day of the week has been jam packed once again with super learning here in Year 2! We have been celebrating lots of star readers as more and more of the class are getting 100% on their quizzes. The children have now come to realise that taking their time whilst reading really helps with their understanding. It’s been so lovely to see so many proud faces as their quiz scores have popped up on the screen. Children who get three 100% quizzes in a row then become our star readers and are able to read in our class tent during whole class reading time … I think we’re going to need a bigger tent!

The focus and enthusiasm during English sessions has continued to amaze me as we have enjoyed reading more of our focus story ‘Aladdin’. We have now met both Aladdin and Jasmine, and already our opinions of Aladdin have changed as we have read on and seen a more caring side to him. Next week we have lots of drama planned to help us to jump into the story even more … I can’t wait to see our class of actors and actresses.

In maths we have revisited the tricky skill of finding the difference. This is something that was covered during lockdown and I know many of the class found it challenging. This week however, the children have grown in confidence and can use a range of strategies to help them to find the difference. Well done Year 2 - you have shown so much determination.

Keeping safe has been our focus in RHE this week, as we have chatted about what we can do to keep ourselves safe, both in our day to day lives and online. We had a super chat about the feelings that we might experience in our bodies when we know that something isn’t quite right and what we can do to help these.

Here’s a photograph from the week’s lovely child led prayer and liturgy.


Let’s Celebrate

You have tried really hard to show those ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ qualities this week Theo.  Maintaining focus and staying on task isn’t always an easy task, especially when there are distractions around you, but you have tried really hard to listen carefully and play an active role in lessons this week.  Let’s keep this up now Theo – you have shone like a superstar in so many lessons. 

Michael, I have been so proud of you this week.  You have been putting so much effort into your handwriting and presentation and the work you have produced has been AMAZING!  It has been great to see those ‘Keep Improving Isabella Insect’ qualities in you as you have strived to improve more and more.  Keep it up Michael – well done!


If it is a hot day, please ensure that your child applies sun cream before school, and if required, has a small bottle with them to reapply at lunch. Sun hats can also be worn at playtimes, but no sun glasses please.

PE days are Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Children must have their shorts with them on indoor PE days.

Home Learning can be found on the Year 2 Weekly Home Learning page. Here you will also find this week’s spellings to learn.

Enjoy the wonderful, long weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.