Fun is just another word for learning!

Well Year 2, we’ve all made it to the end of the first summer term! I always love this term in Year 2. It’s the term where so much independence can be seen and the children begin to show just how ready for the juniors they are. It’s also the term where learning from the year seems to come together. New skills learnt in English are being used more consistently in writing and maths skills are much more fluent. I am so proud of what each of you has achieved so far this year, and with 6 weeks to go, I know we’re going to see even more hard work and progress as the end of the year grows closer.

In maths this week we have continued learning about length and height. The children have had to look really carefully at the unit of measurement when comparing lengths and we have revisited those greater and less than signs once again. This morning we then looked at using all four operations to help us to solve some tricky word problems. Great work Year 2 - you are looking really carefully at the language being used in the questions.

In our focus story ‘Aladdin’, the genie has now informed Aladdin that he can grant three wishes . This got us thinking … if we could have three wishes granted, what would they be? We had suggestions ranging from the biggest candyfloss maker in the world to a wish for everyone in the world to be happy! We then consolidated the use of those important connectives such as ‘because’ and ‘but’ to get our wishes down on paper to send to the genie.

We have learned all about harmful substances and medicines in RHE this week. We role played many different scenarios and again discussed those trusted adults who we can go to for help. On Thursday, we then discussed other people who we can call when we need help, the emergency services, and how important it is to relay the correct information.

During gymnastics, the children had their final lesson on the apparatus practising and perfecting their sequences. I hope you enjoy the little video I have put together below of all the skills they have been practising - I think we have some Olympic stars in the making!

Year 2 - you have continued to work hard right up to the half term holidays this week. You all most definitely deserve a rest and to enjoy some much needed time with your lovely families. However, if you would like to keep your learning ticking over, I have placed some ideas and activities in the Home Learning section of my page for you to dip in and out of as you wish.

Let’s Celebrate

Thank you for being such a Co-operative Roger Robin in our class Niamh!  You are always so kind and compassionate towards your friends and you can never do enough to help the people around you.  The little jobs that you carry out in our class certainly don’t go unnoticed; from picking up stationary that you find on the floor to putting away books that have been left out at the end of lessons.  You are such a team player – well done!

Year 2 are so lucky to have such an enthusiastic Bobby Bee buzzing around our classroom each day Rafe!  Never a day goes by when you don’t have a huge smile on your face and you can never do enough to help your friends around you.  You share so many wonderful ideas in every lesson and ask questions to grow your brain even more.  You have such a passion for learning Rafe which is such a joy to see each day – well done!    


School reopens at the normal time of 8:30am and 8:45am on Monday 7th June.

I hope that you all have a wonderful half term with your families!

Stay safe,

Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!