How the week has flown!
Although it has been a short week, there has been lots of work done. Maths has been all about adding and subtracting fractions. This has been really exciting. In English this week we have been thinking about prepositions and writing sentences using these, finding specific information in text and writing more complex sentences. We are continuing to make sure that we are copying words correctly and checking on our punctuation. Handwriting has also been a focus. In RHE, the children have thought about how God loves us so much and how He knows exactly what we are doing, wherever we are. In RE we have been thinking about how we can see Jesus in both ourselves and in others. More magnet work in science and in Geography the children have been comparing places in England to places in the Arctic.
Let’s Celebrate:
This week we celebrate Millie (double whammy), Rosa, Angel, lily-Mae, Nicola and Connor-Sean who have achieved their 100% reading target this week. Well done children - keep up the good work!
We are also celebrating Iris who receives a Sadie Spider certificate for her resilience and determination when learning. You are really growing in confidence Iris and we are so proud of how you always put so much effort and enthusiasm into your work. You are always such a focused learner and want to get better with your work and to learn new things. Well done Iris. Keep up the good work. Millie you receive a Creative Kiki Chameleon certificate for your beautiful, creative psalm this week. It was so thoughtful and descriptive. We also celebrate your amazing reading achievement this week. By reading such a tricky book and getting so many points for it, you not only reached your target but you reached it twice in one go. WOW!!! Well done Millie, keep up the good work.
We are also celebrating Matilda who receives Lunchtime Role Model of the Week and Molly-Ann who receives Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners this week. Well done girls
Things to Note:
Please check the Home Learning page for this week’s home learning. Thank you.
I am looking forward to being able to share your child’s progress with you at our virtual parents meeting next week. Miss Hornby’s blog explains how to sign up for this. Please ensure that you have signed up. Thank you.
Edi has misplaced his tracksuit top. Please can you have a look at home and return it to school if you have the wrong one. We have looked in school and haven’t located it. Many thanks.
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.
Take care and stay safe,
The Year 3 Team
Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow
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