"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much"

I can’t quite believe that I am writing the final blog of the year … and what a year it’s been! So many challenges have been thrown our way and so many obstacles have been overcome, but through it all, the children have been truly AMAZING! They have taken everything in their stride, have continued to smile, and my goodness, the progress they have continued to make has been astounding. I cannot express how proud I am of each and every child! They have worked their little socks off this year (I think this shows in the amount of books they have completed and brought home yesterday!). Each one of your children is such a special gift from God! They have been a pleasure to teach and I can’t wait to see what they will continue to achieve as they continue on their journey through Our Lady’s.

I also want to say a huge thank you to you, the parents and carers! I know that this year hasn’t been the easiest, and for many, the limited contact with school has been difficult. Through all of this, your support has been incredible. You have kept in touch and we have problem solved together. Your children have continued to flourish because of you … so thank you!

As a class, we have loved spending this final week together. At the beginning of the week, we took on the roles of Wilbur and Orville Wright by planning, creating and flying our very own paper planes! We had to show so much resilience and determination as we evaluated our creations before making our final models to be flown and tested.

Well done to all of our competition winners!

Winners of ‘Longest flight time’

Winners of ‘Longest flight time’

Winners of ‘Most Creatively Designed’

Winners of ‘Most Creatively Designed’

Winners of ‘Furthest Distance Travelled’

Winners of ‘Furthest Distance Travelled’

Finally, this morning, it was time for the moment the children have been waiting for … our movie morning watching Aladdin! Mrs Connolly very kindly brought in her popcorn maker so that we could see the kernels pop before enjoying a tasty treat whilst watching the film! The perfect way to end a wonderful year!

Let’s Celebrate

It was far too tricky to choose a certificate during this final week, as every single child has been a star! Therefore, this week’s certificate is awarded to the whole class! Thank you for being you Year 2!


If you have any spare time during the holidays and would like to keep that love of learning ticking over, head over to the home learning section of my page. There you will find a range of activities to have a go at in preparation for Year 3.

Keep a look out on the Year 3 page on Tuesday, as there will be a little message from your new teachers explaining all about what to expect in September.

Children return to school on Thursday 2nd September. Please see Miss Hornby’s blog for changes in staggered times and house teams.

All that’s left to say is I hope that you have a wonderful summer holiday with your families and that you manage to find time to rest, have fun and fingers crossed, enjoy some sunshine!

Stay Safe!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!