"We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun!"

I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but we’ve just enjoyed our penultimate week together! It’s been a week filled with smiles, laughter and love as we’ve thrown everything into every moment of learning as a Year 2 class team. On Tuesday the children were very excited to discover that we had a visitor in the class … their new Year 3 teacher. They were even more excited to discover that their new Year 3 teacher is actually teachers, as next year they will be taught by both Miss Bassett AND Mrs Harrison! How lucky are they?! Miss Bassett and Mrs Harrison were blown away by the children’s focus and enthusiasm when they came into our maths lesson, and they can’t wait to teach the class next year! On Tuesday next week, the children will be visiting their new Year 3 classroom as they spend an hour getting to know their new teachers even more!

We have spent time learning one final story in English this week before the children then got creative by innovating it with their own ideas. We revisited all of the new skills we have learned this year and thought carefully about how we could incorporate these into our final piece of writing. I am really looking forward to sitting down with each of the children next week as we read through their writing together and set their writing targets for Year 3.

Mass has been the hot topic in maths! We’ve been measuring in grams and kilograms and have had a go at working through some really tricky puzzles. I must say, the children have shown such determination and resilience - I couldn’t be prouder!

A lot of this week has also been spent learning all about the Wright Brothers in History. We started the week by looking closely at images and predicting why we thought they were important. We learned the story of the lives of the Wright Brothers before then looking at a range of sources to help us to understand how we know about what happened when the first motor aeroplane took flight, even though it happened so long ago!

Somehow, we also managed to fit in our final child led worship of the year. The class have really looked forward to these each week, and each group has blown us all away with their confidence and reverence as they have led such beautiful sessions. Thank you for sharing these special moments Year 2!

If that wasn’t enough, we also had loads of fun building our team work skills with the parachute during outdoor PE! You can certainly see the enjoyment in the children’s faces!

Let’s Celebrate

Esther, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week!  You have listened really carefully in our History sessions about the Wright Brothers and have asked questions to find out more.  You looked really carefully at the sources in our class museum in order to investigate how we know so much about the first flight when it happened so long ago!  Well done!

You are such a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ Ella!  You can never do enough to help in our classroom and you always speak so kindly and politely to the people around you.  We very rarely see you without a huge smile on your face and you always ensure that games are played fairly when on the playground.  Thank you Ella! 


School closes for the summer holidays at the normal times of 12:45pm and 1:00pm on Friday 16th July.

Enjoy the weekend with your families. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for the football … could it actually be coming home?

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!