Well what a marvellous first full week in Year 4! Children have been so mature, so ready to learn and enthusiastic. It is a real pleasure to be their teacher. Despite the boiling weather mid-week, they still managed to keep going and do their very best.
This week’s highlights:
We have immersed ourselves in our Science topic of Plants by looking this week at how seeds disperse. Children have been fascinated by the diverse ways they do this and have looked at the structure of the seeds to see how they work. Many children are so enthused that they are bringing seed heads into school to show everyone!
In maths we are revising telling the time to make sure that this is something we master throughout the year. We are focusing this week mainly on telling the time to the quarter hour - please make this part of your everyday chatter at home to help them see it in daily life - it is a tricky concept!
In RE, we have been thinking of our Creator God and all the good things He has given us. Children wrote beautiful prayers prasing God and asking for help to protect this fragile world we live in.
We had a lovely worship outside, as part of ‘The Season of Creation,’ (Pope Francis) and this week we focused on the Gift of air. Every breath we take is a gift from God.
In English, we are going to be writing some explanation texts in the coming weeks. We are learning from the master, Sir David Attenborough about how to explain processes to our audience. We have been thinking about the big picture - why do we read and write? Why do we need to know the meaning of words that we come across? It all helps us communicate! We examined different text types and thought about their purposes.
In Geography, we are learning about plants around the world and also brushing up on our location knowledge of continents/countries while we are at it! In PE we learned how to do chest and bounce passes outside.
This week in RHE we have been learning about our amazing brain and how it has the potential to grow and grow. Understanding this and realising anything is possible is called having a ‘Growth Mindset.’ Our learning characters help children understand the different learning behaviours of a growth mindset. This week Bobby Bee has taught them about confidence and self-belief, so they can be enthusiastic learners.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, many children have received their pen licences. They are all trying so hard!
Certificates: Gosh this was very tricky in the first week! We are all doing so well.
This first week, Charlie received a Sadie Spider certificate for listening and trying so hard to join in with all learning. Alex received a Bobby Bee certificate for joining in and trying hard to listen carefully. Georgia received a Tommy Turtle certificate for being a brave learner who has a go.
PE stars this week, were Emilia and Franek for taking teacher’s advice and improving their travelling movements.
All the class have voted for our class councillors this year and they are…….. Angel and Matilda. I am sure they will lead the class and be wonderful role models.
Holy Communion - Please be at the church for 8.45 so that the teachers can take photos of the children on the altar before the service. Please ensure you have read the letter thoroughly so you know procedure. We have had a practice and are looking forward to it!
Children now have their new ZPD levels and are working towards their reading targets for this half term. Please help them to achieve this by reading to you a little every night - in total, reading for 20 minutes each day.
Music lessons will begin on Monday - we are learning how to play the recorder and children will come home with them on Monday, hopefully.
Forms - There are still a few consent and medical forms outstanding - I cannot put photos on the website until consent is given. Please do as soon as possible.
RHE - the letter below explains what RHE is in primary school and also gives notice of an exciting new approach to keeping kids safe that will be taking place in Year 4 in Spring.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and will see some of you tomorrow in church at 8.45am.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.