What a lovely start to the new school year we have had and what a beautiful group of children! This first week has seen all children come in with smiling faces. Some admitted to feeling nervous at first but this soon gave way to excitement and sheer pleasure at seeing all their old friends and making new ones too! Welcome Emilia to Year 4 and thank you Year 4 children for being so loving and welcoming to our new pupil.
RHE and RE
At the beginning of the year, we always have a huge focus on relationships with others and with God. This week we have thought about our school mission statement, ‘You are precious in my eyes,’ and recognised that we will treat each other this way too.
We have thought about everyone’s rights and responsibilities towards each other in class and have heard the story ‘Be Co-operative Roger Robin to learn how to work together kindly.
This afternoon, we have begun our Science topic all about Plants. We examined some common seeds and did observational drawings of them. We thought of as many questions as we could about plants too!
A LETTER IN THE BAG tonight about Holy Communion for all children making it. Please bring the slip back by MONDAY.
Could I ask anyone who has not completed their online consent and medical forms to do so by the end of the weekend please. Then we will know who picks your child up, we will be aware of needs and will be able to put pictures on the website of classroom life.
Please have a read through the guidance for this term - which is on the Discover area of the website under ‘Keeping Safe.’
Please could any children with asthma bring in up to date inhalers labelled clearly with their name to keep in their trays.
Homework has been set on the Home learning section to be handed in on Thursday.
Children will be coming home with reading books. They can now read blue books which have a more mature content for older children. They can still pick orange books if they prefer though. Children can read and quiz on their own books from home too. Reading needs to take place for 15-20 mins each day at home. Next week, they will be tested and given their new ZPD level to ensure they choose the right level reading books for them.
Finally, I look forward to getting to know you all over the coming weeks. Please do not hesitate to email me for any reason and I will get back to you as soon as I can. In fact, I would love you to drop me an email to say hello and let me know how your child enjoyed their first week!
Have a lovely weekend - the leaves are already falling from the trees!
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.