"Saying thank you costs nothing but gives everything!"

What a wonderful week we have had here in Year 2! The children finished writing their own versions of ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’ and I am so proud of what they have all achieved! I don’t think even the children can believe how much they have written! The class are now all incredibly eager to find out what our new topic will be next … I think they’re going to love it.

The children have continued to show bundles of focus and resilience whilst learning new multiplication skills this week. You can see below that we have been learning how to use arrays to represent different multiplication expressions and have focused on the two times table and the five times table. Please see the home learning for this week as the children can now access TT Rockstars to help develop their fluency and recall of their tables.

In RE we thought carefully about all of the things in the world around us that we can say ‘thank you’ to God for. We sang the hymn ‘If I were a butterfly’ together and the children had a go at writing their own ‘thank you’ verses. It was wonderful to hear the children performing their songs to the rest of the class too! I have attached a link to the hymn below … maybe your child would like to perform their song to you at home!

In Geography this week, the class have been identifying and comparing different human and physical features of St. Annes and Blackpool. Miss Brisco has told me just how well the children are using new vocabulary to describe the features and how they are all becoming little experts in seas and coasts! Well done Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

Wow William – what a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon’ you have been this week!  Your writing of your fairy tale disaster has been superb.  You showed so much resilience and determination to keep going, even when your hand was hurting from writing so much.  You thought so carefully about your spellings and tried really hard to keep your presentation neat.  Keep working hard William and that brain of yours will continue to grow and grow!

Thank you for being such a brave learner in our class this week Ciaran!  You have really thrown yourself into your learning and have tried incredibly hard to manage your distractions during lessons.  Our new multiplication learning has been challenging, but you have stuck with it and have always asked for help when you needed it.  Keep it up Ciaran!

Have a lovely weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!