Year 3 21.1.22 - "Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning" - William Arthur Ward

It’s been a jam-packed week for us in Year 3! Today we finished our class novel as we read and unpicked the final chapter together. We have had drama and debates as we have come to learn more about Tom and how he learnt to handle his emotions. The children have had to think deeply to understand the reasons for Tom’s actions, something which proved to be a bit of a challenge to begin with. I have been so impressed with their creative minds when constructing their sentences, we really do have many super writers!

We have continued to be curious and active learners, this week with the help of our wonderful parish priest, Father Peter. He joined us for a special virtual call and the children asked him different questions that they have been curious to wonder about. The children loved seeing Father Peter and listened with such interest to his wise words.

Let’s Celebrate!

A Focused and Enthusiastic learner : Gabriella

You have had a super week! It has been so nice to hear others in our class notice your kind actions throughout the week. During our class council one of your class friends shared how you had made them feel special by smiling at them during lunch time and playing so nicely with them. You have also been trying SO hard to focus during our lessons and we have really noticed this, particularly in your writing!

An Enthusiastic learner : Ola

What can we say Ola?! You are such an enthusiastic learner. Watching you during your music lesson this week was just wonderful, your enthusiasm was shining so brightly! You have shown this same excitement towards your writing by listening carefully, participating during our discussions and getting fully immersed in our drama, acting out scenes from our novel. Well done Ola, keep up the great work!


  • We are starting to get a collection of water bottles in class with no name on. Please could you make sure all bottles and snack pots that children bring in have their names on, it really does help to send them home if they get left.

  • Homework is given out on a Friday and due in again on a Thursday- there are a number of children who are not completing this, please could you encourage this at home, many thanks.

Finally, once again in music the children have been so enthusiastic (our little Bobby bees!) and are desperate to share with you another piece of music, this time they have had to focus carefully listening to the beat of the music.